The Company recognises that employees may face difficulties attending their place of work and returning home during periods of severe weather or when there are disruptions to public transport. While the Company is committed to protecting the health and safety of all its employees, it must ensure that disruption caused to its services remains minimal. The purpose of this policy is to outline the responsibilities of employees for attendance at work during severe weather conditions or when there are disruptions to public transport and to define appropriate procedures. This policy applies to all employees.
Reasonable efforts to attend work
Employees should use their best endeavours to attend work in all circumstances. However, it is not the Company's intention that employees put themselves at unnecessary risk when trying to attend work. Members of staff should use their own judgment. If you are unable to attend work you must contact your Team Leader or Co-ordinator as soon as possible. If you cannot contact your Team Leader or Co-ordinator do not leave a message with a work colleague, but telephone Human Resources on 02392 304205/304210 where if unanswered, there is a voicemail facility. It is the employee’s responsibility to make sure that you have the correct telephone numbers. Text messages will not be accepted.
Please refer to company website at which will have up to date information regarding access to company sites. If you do not have access to a computer the information is also available on 0800 028 4943.
When this Policy will apply
When severe weather conditions occur or when there are disruptions to public transport, either at the start of or during a working day, the HR Director shall contact the relevant information service to get advice on the prevailing weather conditions and the advisability of travel.
On the basis of the advice received, HR Director in consultation with the Managing Director will decide whether the present policy applies and inform senior management accordingly.
If the policy does not apply, all employees will be expected to attend work on time and lateness or absence may give rise to disciplinary action under the Company's disciplinary procedure. If the policy does apply, employees should follow the procedure set out below.
Severe conditions or disruptions to public transport occurring during the course of a working day
If an employee has made all reasonable efforts to get to work but failed to do so because of severe weather conditions or disruptions to public transport and the HR Director, in consultation with the Managing Director, decides that this policy applies, it is the responsibility of the Co-ordinator/Programme Director to make a decision as to whether the employee should:
take the time as annual leave; or
make up for the time within 4 weeks of the event occurring; or
take unpaid leave and a deduction will be made from his/her wages
When making this decision, the Co-ordinator/Programme Director should take into account the employee's circumstances (eg distance from his/her home to work, mode of transport), the employee's views and the needs of the Company.
Severe conditions or disruptions to public transport occurring at the start of a working day
HR Director in consultation with the Managing Director should decide whether it is appropriate for employees to leave work early. This decision must not be made by individual areas/departments.
Health and safety
While the Company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees, employees are reminded of their duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions. This includes taking extra care when travelling to and from work in severe weather conditions.
The Company recognises that severe weather particularly affects employees whose job involves driving or working outdoors. The Company will undertake regular risk assessments to ensure that employees working in these conditions are properly instructed, provided with the appropriate clothing and equipment and given sufficient rest breaks.
Date last updated: 13 January 2010 Updated by: HR Director